About the Role
What makes a good Superhero?
Attitude – The first thing a superhero needs is a positive mindset. Integrity – Integrity is essential for a superhero. Empathy – Superheroes can understand how their actions affect others. Supportive – A superhero puts themselves out there when others need help. Driven – Superheroes never give up. Courageous – Many people fear change. The courage to face changes and challenges is not common in today’s world. Inquisitive – Superheroes know how to ask questions. They want to make sure they have the information they need to help you succeed...
What is involved in being a Superhero?
Using the knowledge, things and tools you have to help someone without them. Keeping yourself healthy. Pick your fight.
Every superhero has a battle. Something that drives them to be the person they are. Real life superheroes go out of their way to improve the lives of all the people they encounter. Stay optimistic. Don’t do it for the credit...
A Heart
A Body
A Soul
An Open Mind
About the Company
At Dreaming on a Star, we work powerfully and thoughtfully to provide people of the world smiles that is/are thoughtful so that we make the world a better place.