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Create The Life That You Dream Of…


I am one of those people with motivational quotes all over the place but this saying is what is on my bracelet. I wear it around as a reminder that I am in control of my life and I have the possibility to make my dreams come true. I was taught as a kid you could be anything that you want to be…

I may not be a kid but I still believe that. I believe that you have an opportunity to be whoever you want no matter who you are or where your from. You always have the opportunity to redeem yourself by doing better. When you know better, be better. You never have to be the person you were yesterday.

What I want to be is the Superhero of Kindness. Silly right? Some one that passionately advocates to bring back kindness. Someone who brings smiles to the broken hearted because smiles are free for every one!

How much is a smile worth to you? For me it’s priceless. Some times it’s just the curve you need to turn your day around. Smiles are free but they worth a lot. Think about it what does a smile mean to you?

So, what does a superhero of kindness do? The main mission is distributing smiles to the broken hearted. Who’s the broken hearted? Everybody, because at one time or another we all have had a heart broken even if it was just disappointing yourself.

How does the superhero of kindness distribute smiles? Helping others, being kind, being respectful, being compassionate, doing something nice for someone, showing your cute dog around, and probably a million other ways. Really it’s not that hard making people smile.

What about the people who are resistant to smiles? The people who are resistant to smiles are the ones who need them most. Be gentle and kind with these individuals.

I wish I had a nickel for every time I made someone smile… it’s not about money because the best things in life are free! Smiles are free, hugs are free, handshakes are free, kisses and etc. are free well if your not paying for them. Again not about money, well at least it shouldn’t be. Sometimes you pay with yourself respect, which is also priceless and very valuable.

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